Jumaat, 9 November 2012

Nurul Izzah, Don't Do The Crime If You Can't Do The Time

    6:00:00 PG   No comments

Sinar Harian front page today showed a picture of the greatest female actress, Datin Seri Wan Azizah who began her career in 1998, since his husband was sacked from the government for a sodomy charge. This time, Wan Azizah is playing the part of a mother who pities her daughter, Nurul Izzah who is now facing various attacks from rakyat due to her politically incorrect statement on behalf of her party, regarding freedom of religion for Muslims.

Wan Azizah blamed the media for twisting her daughter's statement. However, just like her father who blamed the media for twisting his statement regarding his support for Israel, they only chose to file a suit against Bahasa Melayu newspapers or pro-government newspapers such as Utusan Malaysia.

In her father case, the first media which published his statement was The Wall Street Journal and as for Izzah, it was Malaysiakini, but it seems like both of them are not interested to file any suit against those media, they did not even say anything about those articles.

When the fact is, pro-government newspapers only quoted their reports, then provided reviews of it, only other people's opinion about the statement became the target of their attack.

Even though there was no form of manipulation in the report published by this media, but Izzah seems to be lost. She and her family became to get really worried when people start to know about their 'weak stand' when it comes to the matter of murtad.

Looking at the 'sad report' published in Sinar Harian regarding Wan Azizah, it is not wrong for us to say that Wan Azizah is really under a lot of pressure. Why wouldn't she, prior to this, her husband always deny that he is involved in pluralism and liberalism, but this time, his daughter seemed to have confirmed those things.

From Izzah's statement, once again all the evidence on Anwar's understandings were raised. His controversial speeches which clearly stated that 'all religions are the same', are once again published by bloggers. His friends in ABIM which has always doubted him regarding this issue came to confirm his belief and understanding. In short, there are dozens of evidence and witnesses which could confirm Anwar's plural and liberal belief.

Perhaps realizing how hard it is to defend himself on this matter, this family strategy to repair the image of Izzah, is just to raise sympathy. For that, Wan Azizah the great actress, has to take the main role.

This strategy might work if it is to raise sympathy for Wan Azizah, but it could also show how weak Nurul Izzah is. All these while, Nurul Izzah has always showed herself as a politician who always say whatever it is that is in her mind without even thinking about consequences which could hit her. Then suddenly, she pictured herself as a weak woman, not being able to fight her enemy back.

When the fact is, Nurul Izzah is not a victim, she is a politician and a leader. If she wants to do the crime, then she should be able to pay the time.

Thus, if she make any statements, she should be responsible over everything she says. If she thinks that Muslims should have the rights to choose their own religion, then she should take her stand, no matter what.

Nurul Izzah used to strongly claimed that the Prime Minister was involved in a corruption case in the purchase of Scorpene which then led to a murder. That is a very serious charge, Did she ever think of how her statement effected the person which she accused? No. Did the Prime Minister asked for sympathy from rakyat to believe him instead of Nurul Izzah and her accomplice? No.

This is because the Prime Minister was not scared of the charge because he knew that it was not true. He also understood that it was just another dirty political game played by Nurul Izzah, her father as well as their 'crew'. Thus, the Prime Minister simply gave dozens of explanations to rakyat about it. He also swore, for three times in an Islamic manner as part of his defense. Finally, the French themselves came up to reveal the lies which was linked to Nurul Izzah's own party.

Looking at how Nurul Izzah became worried, unlike the Prime Minister, rakyat could make their own conclusion that Izzah is not a victim from anyone's twisted tongue, but she really believe in her stand that Muslims should be given the rights to change religions just like any other people out there.

Now, no one can deny that Nurul Izzah has finally followed her father's step which supports pluralism and liberalism. All these while she has been hiding behind her tudung as well as baju kurung, as if her family has been teaching her to be the perfect Muslim. but at the same time, the family fights for plural and liberal agenda for their 'masters' in the West.

We would like to urge Nurul Izzah to just come clean with she and her family's understanding. At least we would be able to respect her as a brave leader, even though we cannot respect her as a good Muslimah. For not being able to say the truth, Izzah is just as same as her father, a wuss, hypocrite, pretends to be a good Muslim, communist, democrat, neo-con and just about anything which could provide political interest to them.

If Izzah is scared to face all of these things, then she should just go back to reality and get out of  the big league.

WakJ Zoner

Tentang WakJ Zoner

Seorang blogger kacak, kaya dengan senyuman dan sangat merendah diri. Ingin berkenalan sila PM wak di wakjon9@gmail.com

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